This file explains the contents of the "Sloop Extras" folder. Sloop Extras are intended for users who are already familiar with Sloop. For more general information about Sloop, see the "Sloop Read Me" file or open the "Sloop Rudder" application and read the online manual and help facility.
Sloop Extras included in this version
The "Sloop Extras" folder currently contains three things: a single "Sloop FKey" in five convenient versions, a preliminary beta "PopApp" extension, and the source code to this extension. The Sloop Fkey allows you to toggle Sloop on and off with a single keystroke — without having to use the Sloop Rudder application. The PopApp extension lets you choose applications with a pop-up menu by holding down the command and control keys. The PopApp source code is, well, source code.
About FKeys
FKeys have existed in the MacOS since its very early days. They are simple add-ons to the system that perform specific functions when you press a command-shift-number key combination. Standard FKeys include command-shift-3 which takes a snapshot of the screen and saves it as a PICT file. You can also add your own FKeys.
Important: Please be aware that the term "FKey," as used by Mac system software, refers only to command-shift-number key combinations. It does not refer to the function keys F1 to F15 located at the top of many keyboards.
How to install the Sloop FKey
Installation is very easy: Drag the FKey you want to install to the Fonts Folder of the System Folder. Now it's installed! There is no need to restart the computer.
Here is some more detailed information on choosing which FKey to install. First determine which command-shift-number key combinations are available for use. For most users, numbers 5 through 9 should be available. If you have installed any FKeys since the last time you updated your system software, or there are FKeys in the Fonts Folder, then you should check their numbers. Once you have determined which numbers are available, choose the version of the Sloop FKey that you want to use. The Sloop FKey versions are numbered 5 through 9.
For example, if you would like to toggle Sloop on and off by pressing command-shift-7, you should choose the file "Sloop FKey 7."
For the FKey to work, of course, Sloop must also be installed. If Sloop isn't installed, or there is an error of any kind, the FKey will simply beep.
About the PopApp Extension
This is a public beta of a little extension I am currently working on. The version included with Sloop is freeware and I've now included the (CodeWarrior) source code in the Sloop 1.0.2 release. (The version included with Sloop 1.0.2 is PopApp 1.0b2. I changed a couple things that may have caused some problems in version 1.0b1.)
What it does: The PopApp extension does this: when you hold down the command and control keys and click the mouse, it brings up a pop-up menu of currently running applications. Choose one from the menu and that application is switched to the front. This can make application switching easy since you don't have to go up to the application menu in the upper right corner of the screen to choose an application.
To install the PopApp extension, just drag it to the extensions folder and restart. This is a beta so if you find any bugs, please let me know.
If you're a programmer, feel free to examine, play with, and use the source code. The conditions on use are given in the source code file itself.